Today is March 8, 2023, today is International Women’s Day

March 8, International Women’s Day, is a day that invites us to reflect and fight against inequality between men and women.

It is a good day to commemorate the achievements, but also to remember that we have to keep fighting. We demand the right of women to make decisions in their lives, equitable distribution of domestic work, equal pay and the end of all forms of violence against women and girls.

The FAE company has more than 70 years of history, and in it, it is worth noting the female presence at its origin. Together with its founder, Mr. Francisco Albero, his wife, Mrs. Rosa Llovensa, always fought by his side with the same desire, dedication and passion; So we can affirm that FAE is what it is today, thanks also to a great woman.

At the end of 2022 we met a great challenge; We present the FAE EQUALITY PLAN. The preparation of this Equality Plan has been done with a view to the future, with concrete actions and proposals for improvements. It is valid until December 2024 and we have a follow-up plan.

This 2023 we have celebrated 8M outside the FAE facilities.

Why is International Women's Day celebrated on March 8?

It was held for the first time on March 8, 1911. The year before, Copenhagen hosted the II International Conference of Socialist Women, which was attended by more than 100 women from 17 different countries.

The objective of this conference was to promote equal rights for women and it was there that it was proposed and approved that the Day of Working Women be celebrated on March 8, at the request of Clara Zetkin, a prominent German activist.

The first one was carried out by the women workers of a textile factory in New York. At that time, most of the employees in the sector were women, who worked more than 12 hours a day with a very low salary, in which, in addition, there was a large wage gap.

The grueling working hours and these appalling working conditions led the women to organize a strike. They organized a march through the city to demand their rights, although what they received was a great repression by the police.

In 1908 there was another revolt in the United States. In this case, 40,000 seamstresses from many large factories in the country went on strike to demand equal rights, among other demands.

In one of them, the Cotton Textile Factory, in Washington Square, a tragedy occurred. The owners of this company closed the doors of the factories where the women were. The tragic event was caused by a fire in that building, which caused the death of 120 women.

Working Women’s Day has been celebrated since 1911, although it was not until 1975 when the General Assembly of the United Nations established this day as International Women’s Day.




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